Saturday, February 16, 2013

Carol Burris This Wednesday 2/20 at SUNY New Paltz

Some Big Myths that Guide School “Reform”The Regents Reform Agenda
Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 4:30 
(Snow date, Thursday February 21)
SUNY New Paltz, Coykendall Science Center Auditorium

The purported reason for many of the school “reform” policies, such as expanded testing and state mandated teacher evaluation systems, is  to close the achievement gap and provide excellent learning experiences for all students. Are we certain, however, that the policies that have been put in place will actually achieve their stated goal?  Are they based on fact, or on myth?

High school principal and author, Carol Corbett Burris believes they will not make schools better. In fact, she believes that the Regents Reform Agenda may actually exacerbate the achievement gap and bring meaningful school reform to a halt. She also believes that many of the purported “reforms” are based on assumptions that are not grounded in research.

In this talk Carol Burris will provide an overview of what she calls the “Five Myths that are Driving School ‘Reform’”  and provide counter evidence to dispute them. From VAM to high stakes testing for college readiness, it is important that educators and citizens know the facts.

Carol Burris
    Dr. Burris is the co-author of the Principals’ Letter in Opposition to APPR. She is co-author of Detracking for Excellence and Equity and Opening the Common Core: How to Bring ALL Children to College and Career Readiness. She was named Outstanding Educator in 2010 by the School Administrators Association of New York State.
  For more information contact Nancy Schniedewind, Humanistic/Multicultural Education Program, SUNY New Paltz, 257-2827 or Catharine Whittaker, SUNY New Paltz Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, 257-2843

CoSponsors: Humanistic/Multicultural Education Program, New Paltz Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, College Auxiliary Services, Departments of Educational Studies, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Sociology, Re-Thinking Testing: Mid-Hudson Chapter, Progressive Academic Network, New Paltz United Teachers

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